Monday, January 07, 2008

Happy Birthday Grandma!

Today is my Grandma's birthday. If she were still alive she would be a whopping 72 years old. It is hard to believe that she has been gone for almost 12 years! I miss her and wish I could go visit her and my Grandpa. Trips to Rexburg would hold alot more meaning for me. Anyway...that is all.
What a blessing it is to know that I will see her (and my Grandpa) again. I can't wait!


Allen Family said...

Your post made me sad thinking of my Grandma (Wanda). I don't know if you've heard much about her lately, but she's certainly not the same Grandma I had growing up. She has dimensia, but refuses to get any sort of help with it. She's become extremely paranoid and closed off and there's just no connection there between us anymore. Very sad.

It makes me sad thinking how different she is from Great Grandma and how sweet, open and mentally together she was.

The Clark said...

Is this Gma Josephson? I remember her! These are my memories...once we went there and she had just made refried beans. I also remember you telling me that when her boys would come home from work, they would take off their shirts and lay on the couch and she would scratch their backs.

Rochelle said...

Nicole, I did hear about your Grandma and I am so sorry.
How is Bud? I am sure that he has been a real trooper through it all. What a guy. If your Grandma doesn't find peace in this lifetime, she will in the next. TTYL

Rochelle said...

I laughed out loud when I read your comment! What a weird thing for me to tell you about my Grandma but it was totally true. She was an awesome, humble woman and I wish I would have appreciated her more when she was alive. Especially what a great cook she was! She made the MOST DELICIOUS cinnamon rolls you have ever tasted. I have yet to duplicate them. Maybe someday I'll get it right!

The Clark said...

yes, those were such random memories, but i would love to hear other people's random recollections about my grammies, so i shared.

hey, you should check out and go to their blog. they always have cute stuff to give away, but i was thinking you should offer to give away some hair stuff and get some exposure. i know the owner so let me know if you are interested.

Brittney said...

I can't believe it has been that long ago that your Grandma passed away. It seems like it was just yesterday that my mom told me. I always liked her and I remember her being such a hard worker. A fun memory I have of her...I don't know why we did this at her house, but she taught us how to make candles out of crayons. We melted the crayons in a pan on the stove and then we used tuna fish cans for the molds. I thought it was the coolest thing ever to make. I remember hating the smell of the crayons burning though. Strange what the mind recalls!

The Clark said...

well, since brit, roch & i were all elementary school cronies, and speaking of candles, i remember making candle crayons at school, or perhaps it was for a school project. idaho history...4th grade? mrs. packard. emily...where are you??