You Know The Floor's Dirty When...
....Tyler sweeps and mops the floor, hallway AND bathroom.
I said I just don't care if the kitchen floor is spotless all the time. I turn the Roomba on every day in there Mister! Guaranteed every time I mop someone spills something sticky like apple juice, they do a cruddy job of cleaning it up, and then I step on it after it has "dried". The feeling/sound of my bare feet or shoe peeling off the sticky tile is like fingernails on a chalk board to me. So I guess I've given up on ever having a clean kitchen floor? Maybe, maybe not. The point is, is that if I wait long enough, Tyler will do it.......Score.
Yeah, if only Ellis felt that way . . . Of course, I guess he'd have to actually be around here sometime to start getting bugged by a dirty floor.
By the way, I can't wait to come to the ol' boutique. Looks like it will be great!
I am glad to hear you are coming! Don't forget to spread the word!
Hey I forgot to ask how you're liking the Roomba!?
Your theory works at my house too sometimes. Not all the time, but sometimes.
I think you are on to something here...I might have to give your theory a try myself ;)
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