Monday, August 25, 2008

1st Day of Third Grade

I can't believe I have a kid in the third grade! I remember the third grade very well. Good old Mr. Birch who made you ask him in Spanish when ever you had to use the bathroom. Kind of embarrassing for an 8 year old as I recall. Time does go by fast.

When asked if she was excited to go back to school, Katelyn responded
by saying, "Yes, because I have a really cute outfit."
Der....that's why you go to school isn't it?

Cute outfit....


Brittney said...

It is a very cute outfit and at that age, that's what it's all about! I don't remember that about Mr. Birch. Then again, I don't remember anything anymore so that shouldn't surprise me! : )

Rochelle said...

Its okay if you don't remember stuff Britt, I seem to only retain completely useless knowledge like that info about Mr. Birch. What did I learn in college though? Couldn't tell's all a blur

khepworth said...

SHe looks soooo grown up!

The only thing I remember about THird grade was Damon Nelson was constantly in trouble. Oh, and I got a huge jaw breaker for passing off all of my times tables.

Rochelle said...

Damon Nelson aka Roadkill was always in trouble wasn't he? Good times...

Richel said...

Way cute outfit. How excited are you that she is back in school?!! So when is the ultasound? tomorrow? I am excited to find out... Keep us posted.