Monday, August 18, 2008

Go Kate!

Sometimes I think its easy to forget how young we were when we started doing "real" chores around the house. Tyler was mowing his lawn when he was eight. I was babysitting, I mean full on babysitting, by that time as well. Tyler decided that it was time for Kate to learn how to mow the lawn. She was full on against it as she usually is with most things that require work. As she got the hang of it she really got into it and told Tyler that she would mow the front lawn as well. Like she had a choice! Anyway, she loved it and wants to do it again. Go figure.

The happy little mower


Anonymous said...

Just for the record. I was six when I first started to mow the lawn. I was seven when I got burned mowing the lawn.


Brittney said...

Mowing the lawn was my FAVORITE job as a child. I wish I could still do it but Matt thought we needed a riding mower, which isn't nearly as fun!

Richel said...

Your mom was just mean if you had to start mowing at 6. Maybe it was cuz she couldn't get your older brother to do it. I can't