Today was the big day! We got to find out what the sex of our newest addition will be. We let the kids come with us the ultrasound because they were under the impression that they were invited and I didn't have the heart to tell them otherwise. They were too excited and I didn't want to burst their bubble. The kids and I figured out a fun way to "show" our news.

Side profile. So cute

It's Not A Boy!

Mercy. Obviously I have no shame but I couldn't
think of a better way and my kids reaction was priceless
as I wrote on my swollen belly with a giant sharpie!

Despite hoping for a boy, we are thrilled that we are having a girl and
wanted to make sure everyone knew it.

The ultrasound tech AND the doctor both gave their professional
opinion that we are indeed having a girl.

Tyler told me AFTER the ultrasound that he thought we were having a girl. Of course he did. Me on the other hand....I was sooooooooooooooooo sure that I was having a boy. I have just had a feeling that it was a boy. Not 100% positive but I was so sure. Oh well. All I could do was lay on that table and laugh, and laugh, and laugh. I was so sure about that feeling! I have joked with my friends and family that if its not a boy then I am quitting the Church - that's how sure I was! I do have to say that my testimony is not hinged on the sex of this kid. Thank heavens. I am thrilled and so is Tyler and the kids. Now we have to come up with a name.
Well, my dream of you having a "Ty's son" aka Tyson will just have to wait. But I am thrilled and so may I suggest Rose aka "Ro's."
I know Tychelle has gone around but I really like Roler (a lot like Rolex and you can tell people that its French! I don't know where I got this interest in mashing names together- uh, maybe Breaking Dawn?! Anyway, I can't wait to hold your little baby.
11:18 PM
congrats on the girl, I guess you will have to try again, right!
YEAH!!! That's exciting. At least you already know how to do the "girl" thing. I cannot believe how clear those ultrasound pics are. On a couple of my babies I just had to pretend that I could see what the doctor was talking about. I actually could see everything in yours.
And as for the testimony hanging on the sex of this child. I completely understand. I had a similar experience with my last one, only it wasn't on the sex of the child, it was on the fact that I was having twins. Fortunately that didn't end up being the case but it was really hard for me to understand because we had felt so strongly and had a blessing which confirmed this. In hind sight I can understand, from the blessing, how we had thought that's what it was saying but that it really wasn't....KEEP THE FAITH anyway! :)
You "laughed and laughed and laughed in the doctors office." When I was told I was having my third boy, I the doctors office. (wanted a girl soooo bad) We are the opposite of you, we only produce boys.--Don't get me wrong people-I LOVE my Gavin.
Ok, a large sharpie marker??? That kid is getting the biggest high she's ever had yet. I must say, did you write on your belly yourself? If so, you rock at writing upside down.
I am super excited for you!!!
And Carrie-you crack me up!
I am sooooooo glad that you are having a girl because that means all that hocus pocus we did at Britt's with the ring is untrue and I don't have to have 2 more kids.:)
You have beautiful babies no matter the sex. You know it's my turn to love all over your baby this time.
You are so awesome. Your girls are lucky to get another sister - you can't have enough of those. You so funny Rochie writing on your belly. You're lucky you're still sexy baby. yeah!!
I always new that you would have a girl, that was my feeling from the get go, but you know that. I did always hope that you would have a little boy. Just think of the perks, you don't have to buy new clothes or toys, everything will just be hand me downs!!! What are you going to name her????? When is the due date??/ I should know that, but i seem to have forgotten. we love ya. Take care.
CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS!! I can't seem to get a girl....three boys! There are so many cute girl names, you'll have fun trying to decide!
Congrats! Three girls is the best, a little hormonal, but the best! I think the name Jennifer is always appropriate, traditional and not too trendy :) Think about it. Kate, Ella, and Jen....seems to fit quite nicely, and you will always be reminded or your old, favorite neighbor. I am excited for you, and I hope you are feeling well. Tell Tyler hello for me.
Yayyyyyy! I love the thought of you having 3 sweet girls! Maybe the boy quest is not over!
Hey lady,
Congratulations! I know this is a bit delayed, forgive me. I'm very happy for you. Way to go!
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