Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Lament of Summer

Summer isn't even over officially and already I mourn its passing. My favorite times of the year hands down are spring with all its newness and summer with its sense of freedom. The change in the air has already come. I swear it seems to come sooner every year. One day you wake up, go outside and you can feel on the breeze that fall is just around the corner. I do love the changing seasons and perhaps if they didn't change and summer didn't go away for a time, I would not relish its approach once again. Oh well, such is life right? Sad that something has to go away for a while and then come back for me to appreciate it again. I should work on that...

This week has been the last full week of "freedom" for me and my kids. School starts on Monday and soon to follow will be dance, preschool, soccer and maybe even a paying job for me somewhere. Like I don't have enough to do already. When it rains it really pours. I AM excited for my kids to be back in school since I really don't have a schedule in the summer and therefore neither do they. It's fun but it has to end sometime and I can tell they are lacking the structure that school and being on a regular schedule does for them (and me)!

I am a collector of quotes among other things, and have a few that could sum up some of summer for me:

Puttering is really a time to be alone, to dream and to get
in touch with yourself....To putter is to discover.
-Alexandra Stoddard

Lovely July....with the evocative murmur of honey bees
on the wing and the smell of sun tan cream.
-Cynthia Wickham

I'd rather have roses on my table, than diamonds on my neck.
-Emma Goldman

Summer's lease hath all too short a date.
-William Shakespeare

Today we went to the pool (one of our favorite summer activities) and I realized it was probably the last time (most likely) that we will get to the pool this year. Thus, from that realization comes this post about my lament of summer.

The kids taking a break from the pool to have a snack.


The Clark said...

dude am i hormonal or what?!?! i nearly choked up thinking of summer ending. i like fall, but find myself almost dreading it because it means winter will be next. uggggh!

Danielle said...

seriously sad, summer wasn't long enough. I am right there with you. maybe we need to do girlof94 in the winter in a sunny place. . .