Tuesday, September 23, 2008

fStephanie tagged me so here you go!

I'm supposed to list 6 quirky things about myself.
Link back to the person who tagged me.
List the rules on my blog.
Tag 6 "unsuspecting" bloggers to complete, see the end of the post

1-I have a little fettish for catching garden snails and even slugs. This started maybe a year or two ago. I don't catch them because I think they are cute and I want to make them my pets, I catch them rather because they are creepy, they come out at night and they eat the leaves off of my plants and flowers. What do I do with them after I catch them? I put them in a bucket and dump salt on them. Bye, bye snails. (Insert wicked laugh)

2-I love to weed. I may have a million things that need to be done on the inside of my house like laundry, vacuuming, dishes, what have you. But I will go outside and specifically look for yard work to do because I love to pull weeds, shovel and work in the garden just so I can avoid the inside chores. Quirky enough?

3-I have a strange obsession with the Dog the Bounty Hunter. Nuff said.

4-I could easily change my underwear two times a day. Once after I shower in the morning and then gotta have a fresh pair on before I go to bed. Weird I know.

5-I have to have vaseline on my lips before I go bed. How else am I going to get moisturized lips while I sleep?

6-I am absolutely, 100% not afraid of spiders, bugs, bats, birds, snakes and any other creepy crawly that you can imagine. You want to hold this praying mantis that I just caught? Sweet.
Look at this giant stink bug! Don't get to close though. Seriously I was a tom boy growing up and we played in the muck and cattails, caught bugs, made mud pies and did anything we could to keep ourselves entertained. Those were the days.

Ok.....here are my unsuspecting bloggers: Kanani, Michelle G., Stacy R., Brittney, Danielle, Becky


Stac said...

who is Stacy R.

Rochelle said...

Hey Stac. You are Stacie R. It was late when I did this post and I spelled your name wrong. You better get busy....

Brittney said...

I posted all my quirks on my blog a couple months back so you'll have to go back through the archives to hear all my quirks. : )

As for the slug and bug fetish. We seriously had a 4-inch slug on our front porch tonight. Unfortunately we didn't realize it until after Matt stepped on it in his bare feet...YUCK!!!

And don't get me started on the cockroaches here in Georgia. The kids had the door open all day yesterday so we found two of them this morning. As far as I'm concerned those freaky little things are as close to aliens as you can get! HATE THEM!!!

Danielle said...

ooooh on the roaches. I think if you had been to the philippines you would think differently about "all" spiders and creepy crawlies. we killed a banana spider daily in our house and it was bigger than my hand (just the body). And the cockroaches were big enough to chew the dead skin off the end of your fingertips at night. so needless to say i definately have insect issues. Yuck!

khepworth said...

Done did 'er you crazy snail killer. Chekkit.