A New Post! A New Post!
I met with some of my Girls of '94 today for lunch and they told me I am slacking on my blog. They aren't the only ones who tell me this but talking to them got me motivated to do a new post. I decided to do a little recap on what we have been doing the last month or so.
Some things on my to do list have actually gotten done! How exciting! OK probably not that exciting but what can I say when these are things that make me happy? Not much other than I obviously live a very simple life or need to get out more. Could be both....
and shoes and look to see how swollen my feet and ankles are. I had
to explain to Katelyn what cankles were. THAT was an interesting but
funny conversation.
Well at least Ella did.
She thought she was hot stuff shoveling the sidewalks.
our car and steal all of my CDs :( and my stereo.
They only got my awesome CDs though. They had no luck with
the stereo but did take the face plate so that means we (torture!!)
have no music in the car! Kate asked, "What are we gonna do?"
I said "sing". She wasn't happy. Neither am I.
or a Cheetah Girl. She finally settled on the latter.
I liked the witch personally.
The Hepworths were kind enough to offer
themselves to help rip out the ceiling and walls in
the basement bedroom. There is 50+ years of
dirt behind those walls and no insulation!
Yay! A new Post!
Love all the pics. Glad we could help you out with the demolition. The dirty black boogers were awesome!
Cankles-at least you can still get your shoes on. Me, I have to wear slippers for like the last 3 mos. of preganancy. So embarrassing.
That sucks that some A-hole broke into your car.
your lucky, no stretch marks.
not so lucky on the stolen music. that sucks.
So fun to see what you've been up to...so strange to see snow though. Seeing that pics makes me feel like you guys are a world away.
Hopefully you're basement gets finished up pretty quick. Hopefully lots of friends will continue pitching in and you'll have it done in no time. Good luck!
Let's give a hip hip hooray for Roach! Loved the new post. I like all the pictures. Somehow I find it hard to believe that was really your belly! You're almost done. Yeah!
I love your posts because I can hear your voice in every sentence...
And just for record sake, cankles on you are like my wrists....:)
I am so excited for your new baby girl, any names yet?
Was Sarah giving you a bad time for not posting? Seeing as she still hasn't started a blog...I hope not! She needs to do it...seriously!
Glad you are doing well and that baby girl #3 will be arriving soon.
I can't get enough of your flowers! LOVE 'EM!
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