Sunday, December 28, 2008

Oh Kate

Tonight was Kate's turn to make me laugh. Kate was sitting on the couch with her cousin Zella who is 17 months old and cute as a button. I had to go downstairs for something so I told Kate to stay on the couch with Zella and I would be right back.

Kate: "Uhhh!"
Me: "What do you mean 'uhhh!' ? Don't be a whiner, I will be right back."
Kate: Mimicking me in a whiny voice, "When is this baby going to come out?"
Me: Laughing, "Oooooh, that was pretty good! What else have you got?"
Kate: Mutters something I can't hear.
Me: "What did you say?"
Kate: "At least there is one grown up around here."
Me: Laugh, laugh, laugh, laugh....

I thought I was doing a good job at pretending to be a grown up. I guess not if my 8 year old can see right through me! I just hope Ella doesn't find out because then I am in real trouble. Kids are so fun and to think I am doing it all over again. I guess that is one reason babies are, well, babies. If they could talk and be all sassy right from the start nobody would want a baby. Thank heavens they come out all sweet or I don't know that I would make it. ha ha

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