Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Every Rose Has Its Thorn

Last night I was nearly killed by a rose bush. Ok, that is an exaggeration but I did have to go to the Instacare and have my injury looked at by a Doc.
Rose bushes. I have a lot and they are BIG AND BEASTY. This spring I have taken on the task of cleaning out all the dead branches, trimming them down (they are as tall as I am), and just generally trying to spruce them up. They really have been neglected for a long time. I had my right arm in the thick of one said rose bush attempting to yank out a small dead stump. The stump came out but my wrist snagged on one of the massive thorns these bushes produce. Holy crap did that hurt. I look down to a pool of blood oozing from my vein. Right in the vein! One in million shot doc, one in a million shot. After the Doc looks at my wrist he doesn't know if the thorn is still in my wrist or not and I have to be on anti-biotics because apparently you can get some nasty disease from the thorns of rose bushes! Wow, I learn something new everyday. Hope fully their is no thorn in there but for now it sure hurts! Here are some pics from my adventure.

What my arm could look like if I didn't take antibiotics.
I hope I don't grow that kind of arm hair....yikes.

Thorn or no thorn. Only time will tell.
Feels like there is one in there though. I couldn't get a good picture
of how puffy it was.

Tyler really does love me. He went to Harmon's and got
my favorite sinful guilty pleasure. A maple bar with whipped
maple cream frosting. Make that two. Oh how I do love these....they are sooooo
sinfully delicious.


khepworth said...

Holy Crap! Rose bushes are deadly. They hurt like a mutha!

Before I read the caption, I totally thought that first pic of the bloody arm was yours. Haaaa, haaa, haaa!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you don't have a hairy man arm. You tricked me there for a second. I hope you can get back to your gardening soon. Oh wait-- it is snowing outside. You may have more time to recover than first realized

Danielle said...

who would have known? And what are the chances? I am glad the first wasn't your arm . . . nasty.

Rochelle said...

I am so glad to see that my friends know my arm as opposed to a gross hairy man arm. I love you guys. :)
I probably WOULD be out there in the thick of the bushes if it wasn't snowing! ARGHHHH when is spring going to be here and stay!

Caroline said...

How can I get on Tyler's maple-bar love train? Oh, and sorry about the arm...