My Concert Hangover
My mind does not feel old. My spirit is most certainly not old. My body on the other hand, that is a different story. So last Friday, I took my whole self (my body did not want to go) to the most awesome concert that I have ever been to. My Chemical Romace or MCR. Me and my friend Carrie and some other friends headed out to Salt Air on the edge of The Great (stinky) Salt Lake. We waited outside in the longest line. I don't think I have ever waited that long to get into a concert. It was soooo worth it. I squished my way up to about 10 feet from the stage, fell twice, almost suffocated numerous times, had my toe bloodied from being smashed and I had to have some random guy lift me up so I could breathe. What am I doing? I kept thinking that I can't die because I have kids and a husband at home!
When MCR finally hit the stage, I was overcome with some sort of what I can only describe as middle school girl giddiness. Symptoms include screaming, jumping up and down, singing along, more screaming, and sweating. It was soooo great! I have not had that much fun at a concert um....ever! It really helps that Carrie is a die hard fan and her enthusiasm is very contagious.
Despite it being alomst a week ago I still have a lingering "hangover" that I must say I am really enjoying. Oh MCR why do you have this effect on me? Why are you so cool?
Gerard, Gerard, Gerard.
You Rock.

Isn't it nice to get wild and crazy every once in a while and forget that you are a mom/wife/maid/chef... Sounds like a lot of fun!
i love it! Its been a long time since i have been crazy without kids on the brain.
That is AWESOME! Way to go. It's hard to stay young in such a freakin' old body but you're doing it baby - an example to us all.
love ya
Your "friend" Carrie sounds like a bad influence...
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