I've Been Tagged
I have been Tagged by Mandy
1. Who is your man? Tyler
2. How long have you been together? 10 years on July 1oth!
3. How long dated? on and off for 3 years
4. How old is your man? 33
5. Who eats more? uh...Tyler
6. Who said "I love you" first? Tyler
7. Who is taller? Tyler
8. Who sings better? Me...hands down
9. Who is smarter? I would say he is. He know things that I have never even heard of
10. Who's temper is worse? Mine
11. Who does the laundry? Me
12. Who does the dishes? Mostly me
13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed. Me, been that way from the start
14. Who pays the bills? Used to be but now it's Tyler
15. Who has bigger feet? Tyler
16. Who has longer hair? Me
17. Who is better with the computer? Tyler on some stuff, Me on other stuff.
18. Who mows the lawn? Tyler, but I do all the weeding (I love it!)
19. Who cooks dinner? usually me
20. Who drives when you are together? Tyler
21. Who pays when you go out? Tyler
22. Who is most stubborn? We are both pretty stubborn but I think I am a bit more than him
23. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Probably Tyler
24. Whose parents do you see the most? It's kind of equal
25. Who kissed who first? I sort of demanded that HE kiss ME...
26. Who asked who out? He invited me up to his house where he made me homemade spaghetti
27. Who proposed? Tyler
28. Who is more sensitive? Tyler
29. Who has more friends? Me (der)
30. Who has more siblings? Tyler
Kanani, Kate, and Emily.....You have been tagged.....GO!
Thanks! You were the Rochelle! It was fun to read your answers. I know the hair question may have been close at times :)
That "Tyler" sure sounds like a great guy.
He is most of the time except when he is being facetious.
Done did 'er.
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