Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Ella has always been our little drama queen. Since the day she was born she has been my little parasite. Clingy, whiny, needy, to name a few. We love her of course, just not the drama that she creates. I affectionately call her my little bi-polar child because she can turn from sweet to sour in nothing flat. Happy, mad. Happy, sad. On, off - just like a light. Throw her down the stairs, don't throw her down the stairs. Hmmmmm..... I consider myself an optimist and would like to believe that she has gotten better.
I say that because for the past 4-6 months (?) she has had pain in her abdomen on a daily basis. At LEAST five times in any given day (and I would consider that a good day!) this is what I hear: "Mommy, my belly hurts." Motrin to the rescue. I have no shame in giving my kids meds when they obviously need it. That's what it's their for right? Yes. Yes it is. So I have officially come to the conclusion, and this of course gives her the benefit of the doubt, that the reason she is such a... um shall we say trial? is because she isn't feeling all that great. I can personally attest to that. If you don't feel good physically it's hard to be nice and happy and Mary Sunshine all the time.
If there is nothing really wrong with her physically I am going to seriously believe what a lot of people have told me thus far: She's only four. It's just a phase.
They better be right.

Not a happy camper. She had to have like 8 tubes of blood
taken out of her little body. And from both arms at that!

Today's little adventure which was in two parts. First was an ultrasound which is like cake.
This I wasn't prepared for: a VCUG
Because of a previous urinary tract infection in July she had to have this done. Not cake.
There is nothing more stressful to me than having to hold down your all to aware child down while they do some kind of medical procedure on them. I would take them all for the team if I could. To bad it doesn't work that way.

What is a VCUG (Voiding* Cysto-Urethrogram)?
A VCUG evaluates a child’s bladder size, shape, and capacity, as well as the urethra. The urethra is the small tube that connects the bladder with the outside of the body. This procedure can also determine if a child has reflux — a condition where urine from the bladder goes upward back to the kidneys. This exam may be ordered after a child experiences frequent urinary tract infections.

A VCUG is obtained by the use of fluoroscopy and a contrast agent introduced through a catheter in the bladder. This exam is performed on children of all ages.

* Void means to urinate.


Becky Nelson said...

my sister in law had this done on her little girl. Her daughter was always having accidents and they couldn't find out why. She was like 7 and they finally took her in. They ended up doing a procedure on her that has helped with her problem. I hope everything is o.k with Ella and your family gets to feeling better before your new little one arives. Take care.
Have you told anyone what you are having yet????

khepworth said...

Aye, Aye, Aye....poor girl!