Off We Go
A much anticipated trip to St George finally was realized earlier this week. Unfortunately we had to leave Tyler behind to hold down the fort and bring home the bacon. I am sure he is savoring the peace and quiet a little bit though. We left on Tuesday and we will be back when I feel like it. I love summer.
Ella was nearly left on the side
of the road several times due to
her naughty behavior. She tries what little patience I have
in me to the absolute max.
Oops, I guess I should say that"s Dr. Jeremy Dockstader DDS
Recent grad of dental school. Way to go!
husbands family cabin. Its up towards the Brianhead ski resort.
Very fun! Looks like the girls got some good zzz's in on the ride down...too funny!
I want to go to St. George and sleep in the car!!!!
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