Tuesday, February 10, 2009

She's Been Found!

In December we noticed that Ella's Minnie Mouse was missing and sent this email out a week later:

Dear Friends and Family
We have lost a dear family member and are hoping you can help us locate her. She has been missing for approximately two months and believe she may be in one of your houses. We ask that you please check your house and kids toys to see if she has merely been overlooked. She was a birthday gift from Build A Bear at Disneyland and Ella is wondering what happened to her. Here are the stats:

Her Name: Minnie Mouse
Description: She's a mouse. She was last seen wearing a pinkish-purple ballerina outfit that has large wings attached to the back. She may or may not be wearing white underpants. She wears yellow shoes with red bows, white gloves on her hands and always wears a large red bow with white polka dots on her head. She stands about 20 inches tall and when her arm is squeezed she makes the sound a magic wand would make.
We are pretty positive she is at someone's house and they just don't know it so please look and ask your kids. If you know anything please respond to this email or call us.
Ella Grace
and Rochelle

We are happy to report that Minnie has been found! Minnie has been found! Yesterday, much to the delight of little Ella, she was found at the bottom of the dress up box in the basement. We had previously searched there but obviously not good enough. Ella was all giddy and was so excited to have her back and have her meet her newest build a bear. The mystery is solved and now we can sleep at night. It's been nothing but stress, stress, stress worrying about poor little Minnie and if she was safe, making good choices, and if she would ever come back. So happy to say she is back.


Brittney said...

Love the pictures of little Soph in the post below. She's so cute!

Horray that you found Minnie. It's funny how attached kids can get to their toys (or blankets, in our house).

Anonymous said...

I am soooo glad you found it!!!!!
She is attached to that Minnie!