Monday, March 02, 2009


Busy, busy, busy I have been. Not in the usual way but in the way of holding my new babe and making sure she is completely happy. Time is going by so fast and I am thrilled that it is finally March! Yeah! The two most wretched months of the year are over and that means spring is almost here. Already the tulips are peeking up through the ground and my globe willow is starting to green up even if its only a little. Its also time to prune the roses. Again. They grow fast. My baby is crying and not completely happy so I have to go. No more writing about my plants!


Mandy said...

I want to come and hold your baby! I have another container full of clothes that I would like to bring down sometime this week. I'll give you a call. It sounds like you are loving your sweet little babes!

Mrs. Olsen said...

I saw you and your daughter on Justin Hackworth's site. Glad you were able to get out and be so perty for the camera. Have a great day!