Tuesday, November 03, 2009

For Ironman Jace

For Jace, as promised. Jace has leukemia and looks much better with chubby cheeks then I did.

These pictures are of me in my senior year of high school at MHS. Both are from two different dances I went to. I was on a large dose of prednisone for Crohn's disease and one of its many side effects is "mooning" of the face. Or in other words, a fat face. Everyone always asked me if I had just had my wisdom teeth pulled.  I even had people ask me if I poked my cheeks with a pin if they would pop. Silly people. These pictures make me laugh and they make me laugh even harder when my friends (and sometimes family!) don't believe that it is really me. So here I am in all my moon face glory.

Stuff like this only makes you more of an Ironman, Jace.
Rock on!

1 comment:

emily b. said...

Rochelle, you just made me cry! I haven't been blogging for months, and I have totally missed out! You are a really good friend, and I love ya! Thanks for this post. You are amazing! em