Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A Man and His Mustache


The men in Tyler's family are not especially great at growing 

facial hair. If you ask Dagen, he is the only real man in the
family because he CAN grow facial hair. Oh. I didn't know that being able to grow facial hair made you a man.  I guess I didn't get that memo when I was dating. I wanted to do a post about Tyler's pride and joy as of late. Sadly it is not one of his kids or anything of the like that he is so proud of.

It's his stache.

I don't know if I should put how long he has been growing that furry thing above his lip but let's just say it was a different season than it is
now when he started. Nevertheless, he loves it and I guess that means I have to tolerate it. Actually it really doesn't bother me. I guess I am sort of used to it. He has had many comments about it from a lady at church asking him if it was real (doesn't everyone where a fake mustache to church?), to comparisons such as Captain Kangaroo and Wyatt Earp. I collected a few pictures from the internet and I must admit I got a little carried away but I had a good
laugh anyway. Their are some pretty famous mustaches out there just so you know. So I give you, "Ode To Tyler's Stache". You just have to figure out which one is Tyler.



khepworth said...

Hey Sanchez, you dirty bird. Sweet stache you have going. I think you should grow it out like the guy next to Geraldo.

Wendy said...

You crack me up.... I am glad tht the stache does not bother you.

V said...


Rochelle said...

Ha ha! Sanchez....that's funny.

Meridee said...

Tyler you are the man!

Team Oakeson said...

What. The. Heck.

Seriously, we neglect you guys for like ... what? ... a few months? And you let THIS happen!?

Sweet stache! You should be a motorcycle cop!

Brittney said...

That's hilarious!!! I don't think I'd ever be able to take him serious though. When Matt and I were dating he had some SERIOUS chops but I made him do away with them before he could propose. :)

Carolyn said...

Nice. One of my favorite shirts in college was from the BYU Mustache club. As you may know, it's the only facial hair allowed at BYU. It's funny how people start calling men funny names when they grow facial hair. Curtis grew a beard once and wishes he had a dollar for every person who called him "Grizzly Adams." Tell Tyler nice job on the mustache.

Jeff said...

I've never been prouder to admit that I know you!

emily b. said...
