Monday, September 07, 2009

Summer Is NOT For Going To The Doctor

Our Little Ella. She is so cute, so sweet and most of the time so fiesty. Unfortunately she has had a bit of bad luck this summer as far as accidents and feeling well goes. I don't know what it is about the middle child. The middle child, in a lot of cases (that I know of anyway) always seems to be the one to get injured and/or sick. Is this the case in all families or is it just in a few that I know? I don't know, but what I do know is that Ella gets injured and sick to much.
If someone is going to trip and fall it will be Ella. Get burned by the campfire? Ella. Have unexplained belly pain? Ella. Have to be in the hospital when she is a baby for severe dehydration? Ella. Get strep throat on a family trip to Jackson Hole? Ella. Bless her heart because I know she can't help it.  Its just so HARD sometimes when you are the Mom and are always having to pick up the pieces. I am grateful that it is just a few minor annoying things that we have to deal with occasionaly and not something worse. I will just be happy I have her in the first place.

Our first trip to the InstaCare this summer was at the end of July at a party with my family. She landed on her left wrist and we thought it was broken, so away we went. Thankfully it was just sprained and she only needed a brace. I was not thinking and did not get a picture.

In this picture Ella got sick while we were in Jackson
with Tyler's family. After a trip to the Urgent Care facility and
$100 later we found out she had strep. She was miserable 
while everyone else was having a blast. So sad!

This picture was taken on August 24th at Primary
Children's Medical Center after she had
been there for two nights. She looks just fine in this picture
and she was certainly feeling a lot better at this point. We
were happy to learn that the doctors don't think she has inflammatory
bowel disease but we still aren't sure what was causing her to have an
infection. We are just thrilled to have her home. 
I HATE hospitals and so does Ella!

She is happy because she is feeling a million times better 
and she gets to go home! Yea!

Thank you SOOOOO much for all the help from all my awesome friends and family. I'm not sure I deserve such awesome people in my life sometimes. All I can say is Thank You and pay it forward. So, thanks!


khepworth said...

I can attest to the middle kid always being sick....Glad she is back to her old silly self.

Mandy said...

That is so funny because I actually never realized the middle child is accident prone! Devan broke his foot, cracked the back of his head and needed staples and cracked his forehead which needed stitches all in a 6 month period. He has barfed in my car at least 5 times and then feels great! Wow, that is crazy. I'm glad Ella is doing better...for now!

Richel said...

She has had a rough go of it this summer. I am glad that she is feeling better now.

Meridee said...

I'm sorry to hear about little Ella. I hope she is doing better.